A Voiceless Nation
1 min readMay 26, 2017


Furthermore, it is laughable to suggest Ms. Clinton lost the election based on her stance on this issue.

It might be laughable to credit it to solely her no-fly policy, but it isn’t laughable to suggest Mrs. Clinton lost because of her foreign policy positions. When was the last war hawk to run for President and win. Maybe George Bush Sr? Who I’d wager had the lowest turnout (as a % of eligible voters) in Republican history given that Mr. Clinton was tied for the lowest of any winning candidate.

…recommend she go back to her more suitable previous profession: writing astrology books… Melbourne is certainly a ways away.

These types of character attacks are unnecessary and counterproductive to goals of developing a constructive dialogue. Stick to the issues.



A Voiceless Nation

Aerospace Engineer, Environmentalist, Egalitarian, CBO Fanboy, Mathemagician, Data Visualization Hoarder, Tintamarresque Enthusiast